Data Warehouse Transformation Program Summary

Problem Statement

The existing data warehouse infrastructure was a burning platform. There were 7 physical data warehouses with servers up to 12 years old shared by the 28 countries in which the company operates. The business faced problems such as:​

  • No real-time data​
  • Non-standardized data​
  • Complex data processing ​
  • Poor quality data​
  • Limited consolidation​
  • Non-GDPR compliance
Program Objectives

The objective of the Data Transformation program was to address the problem statement by delivering layers 1 to 3 displayed in the diagram below and serve as a foundation for layer 4.​

Breakdown of the program objectives
Program Manager Role
Breakdown of my responsibilities as the Program Manager
Governance Structure
Diagram showing the program governance structure
Scope and Deliverables
Breakdown of the 4 Streams/Projects in the program
Program Roadmap
Program gantt chart showing the milestones for each project in the program
Communication Strategy
Breakdown of the communication strategy used for the program
Program Challenges
Four major issues/blockers experienced in the program
Program Outcomes
Breakdown of the the main program outcomes

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